Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Force Increases, As Will The Acceleration Essay Example for Free

The Force Increases, As Will The Acceleration Essay Prediction: In this experiment, I predict that as the force increases, as will the acceleration. Therefore, as the force decreases the acceleration decreases. I can also predict that the force and acceleration of an object are directly proportional, meaning that if the force was to be doubled, then the acceleration would also double. I can predict this using Newtons second law of motion. Newtons second Law of motion: Force = Mass x Acceleration (N) (kg) m/s (variable) (measurement) In simple terms, this means that if the force is to increase then the acceleration must also increase because the mass multiplied by the acceleration must equal the force. The equation, like many others can be re-arranged in order to show a possible prediction for the value in m/s that the acceleration will be the subject of the equation. Acceleration = Force (Mass / 0.400kg) Mass Weight is a force. Weight is quite oftenly confused with mass, however each one differs to the other. Mass is measured in kilograms (kg). The weight of an object only concerns the amount of matter an object is made up of. In contrast to the mass of an object, the weight of an object regards how much it is being pulled down to the centre of the earth through gravity. Weight is a force and is measured in Newtons (N). Diagram of apparatus: The experiment that was carried out occurs when a slider is pulled through two light gates via a weighted pulley upon a soft bed of air to minimalise friction powered by a vacuum connected to the air track. When the rider breaks the beam produced from Light gate 1, a recording is began by a computer linked up to both light gates. Once the rider cuts through the second light gate, then the timer on the computer steps automatically as the light gates can relay a signal to the computer. A computer is used rather than the naked eye because the computer can be precise to 2 decimal places (d.p). Once the slide has passed through both light gates, it is moved around both light gates and the experiment is repeated. The variable for this investigation is force, that is controlled through the weights used n the pulley. The weights are changed at five separate times, at each time a different weight is used. My variables are as follows: 0.02 N , 0.03 N , 0.07 N , 0.08 N , 0.12 N ( N = Newtons) The values I chose are all the smallest possible values that I am able to create. In relation to safety, there are no specific safety issues that come to into play during this particular investigation, however behavior around the apparatus and the laboratory is always considered a safety issue. The factors that are necessary to maintain as constants throughout the experiment in order to keep a high degree of accuracy are: * Straight light gates (equidistant 40cm apart) * Same starting point of the rider ( 5cm before the initial light gate) * Mass of the rider (0.400kg) The light gates are required to be equidistant (40cm apart) and level in order to keep the test so accurate readings can be recorded. The mass of the rider must also be mentained at exactly 0.400 kg because a slight chance in the weight will cause a change in the acceleration of the rider can result in widespread and inconsistent results. It is also important to mention the starting point of the rider that must remain constant in order for the rider to pass through each light gate at the same speed during each repeat reading recorded. In addition to these points of accuracy, there are others, which have sufficient relevance to the experiment. The level at which the air track is must be kept horizontal so that the rider has neither too longer, or too shorter acceleration value that is recorded due to the slider being against or along the gradient of the air track. This can be simply modified by adjusting the track then leaving the rider without a weight and switch on the air track, if the rider remains stationary then the air track is horizontal. The experiment will be measured on 3 occasions for each variable, these repeat readings will be averaged out into a single figure to gain an accurate set of results. To prepare for the investigation, a preliminary test was carried out in order to discover which mass of the rider produced the most accurate results. To do this, the lightest mass of the rider was used with the lightest and heaviest weights (0.020N lightest) and (0.170N heaviest). The masses of the rider were the largest possible (0.400 kg) and the smallest possible ( 0.200kg). The results showed me that the lighter the mass of the rider, the wider the range of results that I recorded. In contrast, the heavier the mass of the rider was, the more reliable my results were because they provided the smallest range. This meant that I chose the heaviest possible weight of the rider possible, which was 0.400kg. Skill area O (Obtaining The Results): FORCE (N) MASS (KG) Acceleration ( m / s ) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Average 0.02 0.400 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.400 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.400 0.18 0.18 0.17 0.18 0.08 0.400 0.19 0.19 0.21 0.20 0.12 0.400 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 Skill area E : Evaluation: My results throughout my investigation, were very accurate. The spread of my repeat readings were very small, each reading for each strength of force were close together shown a high level of accuracy throughout the investigation. All my average points that I recorded are close to the best-fit line that I have drawn, which suggests that all my results have been accurately recorded and displayed in my analysis and obtaining evidence sections. The procedures to which I applied my investigation were suitable because I was able to produce an accurate set of results with relative ease. In my opinion, my evidence can support a sufficient conclusion that as that the force upon on object is directly proportional to its acceleration produced. My results were tested over a reasonable range and are considered accurate as they fit in with my initial theory and also they fit in with my initial predictions that I was able to produce. I was able to produce these predictions by re-arranging Newtons second law to show me what the acceleration of an object can b equal to in terms of its force and mass. (Old equation) Force = Mass x Acceleration (N) (kg) m/s (variable) (measurement) (New, Re-arranged equation) Acceleration = Force (mass / 0.400kg) Mass I have a range of values for my force, I inputted each one of these values to gain predicted results. (When force = 0.02) : 0.02 = 0.05 (Actual average = 0.05) 0.400 (When force = 0.03) : 0.03 = 0.075 (Actual average = 0.07) 0.400 (When force = 0.07) : 0.07 = 0.175 (Actual average = 0.08) 0.400 (When force = 0.08) : 0.08 = 0.20 (Actual average = 0.20) 0.400 (When force = 0.12) : 0.12 = 0.30 (Actual average = 0.31) 0.400 As the above figures display clearly, my results are all highly accurate and sufficiently support my prediction and theory. All that remains is to discuss how I can extend my investigation. The obvious point that springs to mind is to gather further results to obtain an exceptionally high level of accuracy. However, I can also look to change my variable from the force to the mass of the rider. I can do this by investigating the relationship between the mass and force on a rider to give me additional information. I can carry out these tests in the same manner as I have discussed for this particular investigation, but changing the variables used. I will use a range of variables that will aid me complete my investigation reaching sufficient conclusions.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Gene Therapy Essay -- Genetics Science Essays

Gene Therapy The Human Genome Project began around 1986. The main goal of the project is to locate and sequence all genes found in human DNA. The objectives for this ambitious effort are to learn more about heredity of disease and to discover the genes that would aid in gene therapy. Advances in gene therapy strive to treat hereditary diseases and possibly eliminate disease from the genome. The definition of gene therapy is the introduction of genes into existing cells to prevent or cure a wide range of diseases (Jaroff, 1996). Gene therapy has two possibilities of disease treatment, somatic gene therapy and germline gene therapy. Somatic gene therapy involves the manipulation of gene expression in cells that will be corrective to the patient but not inherited to the next generation. Germline gene therapy involves the genetic modification of germ cells, which pass the change on to the next generation (Wilson, 1998). Somatic gene therapy is currently being researched more aggressively due to ethical and technical complications with germline gene therapy. Technical Aspects Gene therapy began with the Human Genome Project. The Human Genome Project has found gene locations for many diseases. Among the diseases that have been found Huntington’s disease, cystic fibrosis, ADA deficiency, and two genes for breast cancer are just a few examples. After a disease-causing gene is found, correcting it is the next logical step. This can be achieved through various methods. One of the first tested methods was to obtain the faulty gene from the patient, introduce the corrected gene into cells, and finally inject the altered cells back into a blood vessel. Blood is taken from the affected individual to obtain cells with DNA carryi... ...imit our ability to adapt to ecological and environmental changes. In spite of this, I am enthusiastic about gene therapy. I want to live a healthy life and I want my children to be able to live happy, healthy lives. With gene therapy, the use of human cells to treat disease looks very promising. Who knows, by the time the environment does change, gene therapy may be so advanced that a simple injection could make us adapt to this change. References Elmer-Dewitt, Philip. The Genetic Revolution. Time. January 17, 1994. V 143. N 3. P (46-44). Grace, Eric S. Better Health Through Gene Therapy. The Futurist. Jan-Feb 1998. V 32. N 1. P (39-43). Jaroff, Leon. Keys to the Kingdom. Time. Fall 1996. V 148. N14. P (24-29). Wilson, Jim. The Institute for Human Gene Therapy. Obtained from the WWW November 1, 1998:

Sunday, January 12, 2020

A reflective writing of the module within the academic year

Within the academic year 201 2/13, I took on a module named Context of Business. It alms to develop and understand companies' traditional and contemporary management and structural approaches (Chokshl, 2012). Within the academic year we were tested on our understanding of what was taught. This report Is a reflective writing of the year. This will be done by looking critically at the two assignments given to us. First assignment was to give a report of an organisational structure and draw up its chart. The second was to perform a group presentation of two companies of different sizes on various factors.This report will look in to the process, the challenges and outcome of each assignment. Assignment one: Presented at Week 6 The class was given an assignment to conduct a research of the structure of a business of our choice. We were to present our findings by researching the structure ofa business and draw up its organisational chart within six weeks. 2. 1 Outline First of all, I had t o look for a business of my choice. This Involved in looking Into businesses In my local vicinity or further afar. I finally settled on Syngenta, An International agricultural business Into crop productlvlty and protection of environment (Syngenta, 2013).I then had to start researching Into the business to find out what sort of organisational structure it had. For Syngenta it had a matrix style structure, a structure where highly skilled individual form teams for projects (Stanford, 2007). I also had to look into its span of control. Syngenta had a flat structure of operation, a structure where there are few layers of authority and delegation is used to carry out task effectively (The times 100, 2013). From this I was to prepare an organisational chart, a chart which shows the way the chain of command works in an organisation (The times 100, 2013).For this I was to take into onsideration of the matrix style and its flat structure of operation to draw up Its organisational chart. 2. 2 Challenges There were some challenges I faced while conducting this research. One maln challenge was the declslon of which company to choose. There was no restrlctlon on what company one could choose and I had to find one for which I would be able to find all relevant information. Another problem faced was distinguishing between the company's organisational structure and its span of control. had to go back to the lecture notes and other readings to find out their differences.As it was an individual ork I had no second opinion on matters and had to be careful that my decisions made were right. The assignment turned out to be more challenging than what I thought. This was due to the depth of research that was needed to acquire specific relevant information and the ability to back them up with substantial evidence. Over a period of time, looking back I can evaluate my performance as being done In a haste. This Is due to the fact that, not fully understanding the scope of the assignme nt given at the start of the work. This went against my time given hence I had to quickly do the work In order to beat the clock.Fortunately I was able to receive informal feedback from our tutor on our drafts. This helped recognise my mistakes was to give the audience a clear distinction between the organisational structure and the span of control of the company. I was warned on the penalty of improper referencing and plagiarism of content used. From what was given in the feedback for the draft I was able to develop on transferable skills such as proper referencing. In the end I was also able to learn new skills such as time management, the ability to plan and prioritise ones workload (The University of Manchester, 2012). 2. 3Outcome Learning from this assignment, given the opportunity to another work of this type, I will dedicate more time to each aspect of the work. Key lessons that I have identified for this work, is the ability to properly prepare and conduct intensive research . Through practice I will be able to develop these abilities. Looking at the skills learnt, most if not all are invaluable and beneficial transferable skills. These are competencies that could be carried from an activity to another (Graduate prospects ltd, 2013). What might be able to hold me back will be the technicality needed in the referencing.Referencing is the process of acknowledging sources consulted in pieces of work (London metropolitan university, 2013). For this I can refer to the materials available on the university library services. Assignment two: Presented on Week 22 For our second assessment, we were given a group work to conduct. We were to form groups of 4 or 5 members and give a presentation to the class on the topic of comparing two companies of different sizes. We were to compare and contrast their legal and ethical issues. 3. 1 Outline The first thing I had to do was to form a group. We then had to decide on which companies to choose.For the sake of comparing them we decided on companies that are within the same industry. Kelloggs, which manufactures and markets ready-to- eat cereals and convenience foods (Bureau van DiJk, 2013) and Eat ltd, a I-JK fresh food retail company (Bureau van DiJk, 2013). Then from the chosen companies we were to compare them on certain criteria. Them being, their vision, a description of what a business wants to be in future. Their mission statement, a more current description of a company's basic goals, philosophies and purpose (Chokshi, 2012). Also the size of the companies based on our own elements.Factors with affected heir mission statements and their legal and ethical issues. We then had to research on each company for information. After which we organised our data and created a draft. After the draft we designed our presentation for practising as a group. On the day of the presentation we made sure we arrived before time. We tested out our equipment and software on the screen and had a dry run so as to know how the actual event will feel like. We then presented our work when our turn approached and stayed within the time limit and allowed questions to be asked at the end. . 2 Challenges I personally encountered some challenges with this project. It proved quite difficult to form a group. We were not automatically placed into groups and the class was being selective with their choices. I was left with a two classmates without a group and a fourth was added under our tutor recommendation. I also had a challenge in my presentation skills. Presentation according to Oxford Dictionaries (2013) is a speech or talk where ideas or pieces of work are shown and explained to an audience. I when delivering. I moved about too much and spoke too fast.But through practise and the help of the group I was able to develop on my presentation skills. I realised hat I did not only personally face some problems but also the group as a whole faced some difficulties. One of such was our communication ski lls, the ability to clearly and confidently express one view to an audience (University of Kent Careers and Employability Service, no date). As we were mostly new to each other, communication between us proved difficult. Noticing this, I decided we take some time for us to know each other informally such as having chit-chats before meetings.Boocher (1999) suggested that small talk is a simple tool that helps build rapport and trust with co-workers which in turn helps build communication between them. It helped build a bond between us and in effect our communication increased. Other obstacles observed were our manner of conducting our research. Due to each having different courses, our times did not align and we could not meet to discuss the work as a group as frequently as desired. We then went about this using phones and emails and dividing the work and organising our finding when we do meet.We also had the challenge of getting our presentation right. We had to make sure it did not sound robotic and was interactive with the audience without losing the content of the presentation. Looking back and evaluating my performance; I would say we had a good performance. Even though we had many challenges and obstacles it was the fact that we were able to overcome them that determined our performance. We received some informal feedback form our tutor at the end our presentation which was helpful as she said that it was well executed and needed few minor adjustments.Also after the marking we received a formal feedback both as a group and individually. As a group we were told that our time allocation for each aspect was good but areas of more importance needed more time than others. As an individually, I was told my communication with my team and audience was good but I needed to speak more clearly and assertively. 3. 3 Outcome In order for me to improve, the next time I will do some aspects differently, such as having frequent group meetings to prevent work being done i n a hurry.Some key features that I have identified were my leadership skills. This is being able to motivate others and inspire them to take your lead (Graduate prospects ltd, 2013). Though it was a group work, I was able to personally oversee some aspects of the project which helped me develop such abilities. I was also able to develop my communication skills. Even as strangers to one another we were able to communicate efficiently between ourselves by the end of the project. By abiding to the 10 minutes limit we were able to develop our time management skills.In future, if I was to encounter other group works, the prospect of working with strangers might hold me back. In some cases this might be inevitable but it is the ability to adapt to this and establish a relationship that will help in the execution of the work. All in all, being given this assignment has had its difficulties and obstacles to overcome but it has lso developed my skills and taught me new ones. All which are cr itical skills needed in most career paths in this modern day.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Student Debt Should Not Be Eligible For The Minimum Amount...

Introduction Present time’s workforce has become very competitive due, to the increase in many people having a bachelor’s degree, at minimum. Currently, 40 million people are victims of student debt, our country’s all-time high rate. One factor that plays into student debt is, the loans that the federal government distributes. As of 2016, the highest amount of money you can receive from the government in student loans, as just the student alone, meaning no cosigner, is $6,500.00. This amount is distributed through three separate loans including, Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan, Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan and the Perkins Federal Loan. Not every student is eligible for the maximum amount of these loans. The main reason a student†¦show more content†¦Student debt is doing nothing but increasing and there are no regulations on tuition and/or interest rates of student loans, or even additional assistance with increasing cost of attendance. Overview of Current Knowledge Throughout the year’s higher education has become more popular and the number of students grows each year. Unfortunately, the amount of money it costs to finance your education grows as well, and along with that comes student debt. Student debt has reached an all-time high in the United States of America, and according to CNN, the amount of debt has reached 1.2 trillion dollars. The Institute College Access has said that at least 70 percent of all students are in some type of debt directly corresponding to their college education. Not only is the demand for educational degrees growing in the work fields, but the amount of debt a single person has coming out of college. There is not one state where the average amount of debt is under $22,000.00 and the national current average of debt is $28,950.00 says the Institute for College Access. In a recent study from the Institute for College Access the amount of debt in a 10-year time period, 2004-2014 rose from 65% to 69%, while a verage debt at graduation rose at more than twice the rate of inflammation. As mentioned before the lump sum of $6,500.00 is distributed through three separate loans including, Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan, Direct